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Smart Replenishment

The Smart Replenishment feature in Tightly ensures that you always have the right inventory at the right time.

Updated over a week ago


Tightly Smart Replenishment is a proprietary algorithm that optimizes inventory orders using a composite scoring matrix. It evaluates multiple factors to determine the most critical SKUs to reorder based on:

  • Lead time

  • Supplier performance

  • Pricing of items

  • Days of stock cover available

  • Demand forecasts

The system then prioritizes and recommends replenishment orders based on urgency and revenue impact.

With Smart Replenishment, you can:

  • Automatically generate replenishment recommendations based on sales data.

  • Allocate inventory budgets efficiently across Continuity and Open-To-Buy (OTB) budgets.

  • Track upcoming replenishment needs with clear forecasts and budget overviews..

How It Works

1. Automated Ordering & Prioritization

  • Each SKU is scored based on the composite matrix.

  • Top-performing items with the highest impact on revenue and fulfillment are prioritized.

  • Recommendations are generated daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on replenishment cycles.

  • If budget constraints exist, only the most beneficial items are included in the replenishment order.

2. Control & Adjustments

  • Merchants can edit replenishment recommendations before finalizing orders.

  • They can view category breakdowns and planned spend for today, tomorrow, next week, or later.

  • Replenishment insights help businesses plan cash flow and stock levels effectively.

3. Replenishment Sets & Overrides

  • Products not appearing in Smart Replenishment are deprioritized due to lower performance.

  • Customers can force inclusion of certain items by creating a Smart Replenishment Set.

  • These sets allow businesses to manually specify:

    • Exact quantities of a SKU to reorder

    • Custom prioritization rules

  • Items in Replenishment Sets can be:

    • Absolute (always included before Smart Replenishment logic applies)

    • Blended (still considered within Smart Replenishment but given priority weightage)

Using Smart Replenishment

Access Smart Replenishment

  1. Navigate to Tightly and log in.

  2. In the left-hand menu, click on Smart Replenishment.

Step 1: Selecting Locations

Before reviewing replenishment recommendations, you can filter inventory needs by location.

  1. Click on Select location(s) in the top-right corner.

  2. Use the search bar to find a specific location or check multiple locations.

  3. Click Select All if you want to include all locations in your replenishment analysis.

Step 2: Selecting a Replenishment Time Range

You can filter replenishment recommendations based on your preferred time frame:

  • Next 7 Days – Immediate replenishment needs.

  • 7-14 Days Ahead – Mid-term replenishment forecast.

  • 14-21 Days Ahead – Longer-term planning.

Step 3: Reviewing Replenishment Amounts

The Replenishment Amount section displays a breakdown of the stock recommendations by product category. Here, you’ll see:

  • The total replenishment value.

  • Individual SKU recommendations and their corresponding costs.

  • A bar graph to visualize inventory distribution.

Step 4: Understanding Budget Allocation

The Monthly Continuity Budget Status and Yearly OTB Budget Status help you track your available spending:

  • Continuity Budget – Funds allocated for predictable, recurring inventory purchases.

  • OTB (Open-To-Buy) Budget – Funds available for new or seasonal inventory.

  • Each section shows the budget spent, recommended spend, and remaining balance.

Step 5: Managing Recommended Products & Finalizing Replenishment Decisions

The Recommended Products section helps you refine your replenishment strategy by:

  • Displaying products suggested by Smart Replenishment or Replenishment Sets.

  • Allowing you to filter, search, and manage columns to customize your view.

  • Showing detailed information like Product ID, Supplier, Unit Cost, and Recommended Quantity.

  • Letting you bulk select multiple products to efficiently add them to your basket.

How to Use:

  1. Review the replenishment recommendations.

  2. Use Show Filters to refine the product list.

  3. Adjust suggested orders if needed.

  4. Select individual products or bulk-select using the top checkbox.

  5. Click Add to Basket to prepare purchase orders for the selected items.

  6. Manage the displayed columns using Manage Columns for a customized view.

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