Tightly Smart Replenishment is a proprietary algorithm that optimizes inventory orders using a composite scoring matrix. It evaluates multiple factors to determine the most critical SKUs to reorder based on:
Lead time
Supplier performance
Pricing of items
Days of stock cover available
Demand forecasts
The system then prioritizes and recommends replenishment orders based on urgency and revenue impact.
With Smart Replenishment, you can:
Automatically generate replenishment recommendations based on sales data.
Allocate inventory budgets efficiently across Continuity and Open-To-Buy (OTB) budgets.
Track upcoming replenishment needs with clear forecasts and budget overviews..
How It Works
1. Automated Ordering & Prioritization
Each SKU is scored based on the composite matrix.
Top-performing items with the highest impact on revenue and fulfillment are prioritized.
Recommendations are generated daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on replenishment cycles.
If budget constraints exist, only the most beneficial items are included in the replenishment order.
2. Control & Adjustments
Merchants can edit replenishment recommendations before finalizing orders.
They can view category breakdowns and planned spend for today, tomorrow, next week, or later.
Replenishment insights help businesses plan cash flow and stock levels effectively.
3. Replenishment Sets & Overrides
Products not appearing in Smart Replenishment are deprioritized due to lower performance.
Customers can force inclusion of certain items by creating a Smart Replenishment Set.
These sets allow businesses to manually specify:
Exact quantities of a SKU to reorder
Custom prioritization rules
Items in Replenishment Sets can be:
Absolute (always included before Smart Replenishment logic applies)
Blended (still considered within Smart Replenishment but given priority weightage)
Using Smart Replenishment
Access Smart Replenishment
Navigate to Tightly and log in.
In the left-hand menu, click on Smart Replenishment.
Step 1: Selecting Locations
Before reviewing replenishment recommendations, you can filter inventory needs by location.
Click on Select location(s) in the top-right corner.
Use the search bar to find a specific location or check multiple locations.
Click Select All if you want to include all locations in your replenishment analysis.
Step 2: Selecting a Replenishment Time Range
You can filter replenishment recommendations based on your preferred time frame:
Next 7 Days – Immediate replenishment needs.
7-14 Days Ahead – Mid-term replenishment forecast.
14-21 Days Ahead – Longer-term planning.
Step 3: Reviewing Replenishment Amounts
The Replenishment Amount section displays a breakdown of the stock recommendations by product category. Here, you’ll see:
The total replenishment value.
Individual SKU recommendations and their corresponding costs.
A bar graph to visualize inventory distribution.
Step 4: Understanding Budget Allocation
The Monthly Continuity Budget Status and Yearly OTB Budget Status help you track your available spending:
Continuity Budget – Funds allocated for predictable, recurring inventory purchases.
OTB (Open-To-Buy) Budget – Funds available for new or seasonal inventory.
Each section shows the budget spent, recommended spend, and remaining balance.
Step 5: Managing Recommended Products & Finalizing Replenishment Decisions
The Recommended Products section helps you refine your replenishment strategy by:
Displaying products suggested by Smart Replenishment or Replenishment Sets.
Allowing you to filter, search, and manage columns to customize your view.
Showing detailed information like Product ID, Supplier, Unit Cost, and Recommended Quantity.
Letting you bulk select multiple products to efficiently add them to your basket.
How to Use:
Review the replenishment recommendations.
Use Show Filters to refine the product list.
Adjust suggested orders if needed.
Select individual products or bulk-select using the top checkbox.
Click Add to Basket to prepare purchase orders for the selected items.
Manage the displayed columns using Manage Columns for a customized view.