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Replenishment Sets

Replenishment Sets in Tightly allow merchants to create custom replenishment rules for specific products.

Updated over a week ago


Replenishment Sets in Tightly allow merchants to create custom replenishment rules for specific products, particularly useful for seasonal or non-continuous inventory items. This feature enables users to group SKUs together, define reorder parameters, and determine budget allocation strategies.

With Replenishment Sets, you can:

  • Apply custom replenishment rules outside of Smart Replenishment.

  • Define priority settings for selected SKUs.

  • Allocate budget from either Continuity or Open-To-Buy (OTB).

  • Automate reordering based on custom triggers.

  • Override Smart Replenishment rules for specific products.Overview

Getting Started

Accessing Replenishment Sets

  1. Navigate to Tightly and log in.

  2. In the left-hand menu, click on Replenishment Sets.

Creating a New Replenishment Set

Step 1: Enter Set Details

  1. Click on New Replenishment Set.

  2. Provide a Set Name to identify the group.

  3. Add an optional Description.

  4. Choose a Budget to Use:

    • Continuity Budget – For items that are regularly restocked.

    • Open-To-Buy (OTB) Budget – For seasonal or experimental SKUs.

  5. Select a Budget Allocation Strategy:

    • Best Endeavour – Prioritizes profitable products if the allocated budget is insufficient.

    • Absolute – If the budget cannot cover all replenishment needs, the system skips replenishment entirely.

Step 2: Define Parameters

  1. Select a Replenishment Trigger:

    • Periodic – Reorders at fixed intervals.

    • Inventory Value – Triggers when the total inventory value drops below a set threshold.

    • Quantity – Triggers when stock levels fall below a defined number.

    • Days of Cover – Ensures stock covers a certain number of days based on demand forecasts.

  2. Define the Reorder Amount:

    • Tightly Recommendation – Uses AI-driven calculations to suggest the optimal reorder amount.

    • Set Fixed Amount – Defines a specific budget to be allocated for replenishment.

    • Set Fixed Quantity – Manually set a fixed number of units to reorder.

    • Set Cover Days – Ensures stock is replenished based on a target number of days' worth of cover.

  3. Select a Date Range if the replenishment applies to a specific time period.

Step 3: Add Products to the Set

  1. Search for and select SKUs to include in the set.

  2. Assign each product a replenishment priority.

  3. Click Save to finalize the set.

Using Replenishment Sets

Once created, Replenishment Sets operate based on the defined rules:

  • The system continuously monitors inventory levels and applies the configured triggers.

  • If a replenishment condition is met, the SKU is flagged for ordering.

  • Products within a Replenishment Set can be manually adjusted before finalizing the purchase order.

  • Users can track replenishment recommendations from the Replenishment Dashboard.

Managing Replenishment Sets

  • View all active and inactive sets in the Replenishment Sets Dashboard.

  • Use the search bar to find specific sets by name.

  • Edit, activate, or deactivate replenishment sets as needed.

  • Delete sets that are no longer required.

Reviewing a Replenishment Set

Once a Replenishment Set has been created, you can review its details to ensure that the correct rules are applied. The Replenishment Set Details page provides a comprehensive overview of:

  • Set Name & Status – Displays whether the set is active or inactive.

  • Number of Variants in the Set – The total number of SKUs included.

  • Replenishment Rule – The specific rule that triggers a reorder, such as Inventory Value, Quantity, or Days of Cover.

  • When to Order – The specific conditions that must be met before reordering occurs.

  • Order Amount – The total quantity of units suggested for replenishment.

  • Budget in Use – Indicates whether the budget allocation is from Continuity or Open-To-Buy (OTB).

  • Budget Allocation Strategy – Defines whether the replenishment follows a Best Endeavour or Absolute strategy.

Additionally, users can:

  • Edit Set Details to modify any rules or configurations.

  • Activate or Deactivate the Set based on inventory needs.

  • Add Other Products to expand the set with new SKUs.

  • Search Products by SKU or ID for quick access to specific inventory items.

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