Replenishment Sets in Tightly allow merchants to create custom replenishment rules for specific products, particularly useful for seasonal or non-continuous inventory items. This feature enables users to group SKUs together, define reorder parameters, and determine budget allocation strategies.
With Replenishment Sets, you can:
Apply custom replenishment rules outside of Smart Replenishment.
Define priority settings for selected SKUs.
Allocate budget from either Continuity or Open-To-Buy (OTB).
Automate reordering based on custom triggers.
Override Smart Replenishment rules for specific products.Overview
Getting Started
Accessing Replenishment Sets
Navigate to Tightly and log in.
In the left-hand menu, click on Replenishment Sets.
Creating a New Replenishment Set
Step 1: Enter Set Details
Click on New Replenishment Set.
Provide a Set Name to identify the group.
Add an optional Description.
Choose a Budget to Use:
Continuity Budget – For items that are regularly restocked.
Open-To-Buy (OTB) Budget – For seasonal or experimental SKUs.
Select a Budget Allocation Strategy:
Best Endeavour – Prioritizes profitable products if the allocated budget is insufficient.
Absolute – If the budget cannot cover all replenishment needs, the system skips replenishment entirely.
Step 2: Define Parameters
Select a Replenishment Trigger:
Define the Reorder Amount:
Tightly Recommendation – Uses AI-driven calculations to suggest the optimal reorder amount.
Set Fixed Amount – Defines a specific budget to be allocated for replenishment.
Set Fixed Quantity – Manually set a fixed number of units to reorder.
Set Cover Days – Ensures stock is replenished based on a target number of days' worth of cover.
Select a Date Range if the replenishment applies to a specific time period.
Step 3: Add Products to the Set
Search for and select SKUs to include in the set.
Assign each product a replenishment priority.
Click Save to finalize the set.
Using Replenishment Sets
Once created, Replenishment Sets operate based on the defined rules:
The system continuously monitors inventory levels and applies the configured triggers.
If a replenishment condition is met, the SKU is flagged for ordering.
Products within a Replenishment Set can be manually adjusted before finalizing the purchase order.
Users can track replenishment recommendations from the Replenishment Dashboard.
Managing Replenishment Sets
View all active and inactive sets in the Replenishment Sets Dashboard.
Use the search bar to find specific sets by name.
Edit, activate, or deactivate replenishment sets as needed.
Delete sets that are no longer required.
Reviewing a Replenishment Set
Once a Replenishment Set has been created, you can review its details to ensure that the correct rules are applied. The Replenishment Set Details page provides a comprehensive overview of:
Set Name & Status – Displays whether the set is active or inactive.
Number of Variants in the Set – The total number of SKUs included.
Replenishment Rule – The specific rule that triggers a reorder, such as Inventory Value, Quantity, or Days of Cover.
When to Order – The specific conditions that must be met before reordering occurs.
Order Amount – The total quantity of units suggested for replenishment.
Budget in Use – Indicates whether the budget allocation is from Continuity or Open-To-Buy (OTB).
Budget Allocation Strategy – Defines whether the replenishment follows a Best Endeavour or Absolute strategy.
Additionally, users can:
Edit Set Details to modify any rules or configurations.
Activate or Deactivate the Set based on inventory needs.
Add Other Products to expand the set with new SKUs.
Search Products by SKU or ID for quick access to specific inventory items.
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